Manila Bulletin


Even in their countries of origin, Cane Toads have few predators. One reason is that they are highly poisonous throughout every stage of their life cycle. Eggs, tadpoles, and adults all contain or produce a form of toxin that can cause hallucinations and heart problems, possibly resulting in death for animals that attempt to eat them.

Only a small number of predatory reptiles and fish are immune to Cane Toad poison and are thus capable of eating them.

Adult Toads secrete a substance containing steroidal toxins called bufagenins, in the form of a milky white fluid from parotoid glands found on the back of their necks and shoulders, and it is this substance that is believed to be responsible for a number of fatalities involving small Dogs that bite them or pick them up with their mouths. Even if the Dog immediately releases the Toad, the poison is quickly absorbed by their gums and other mouth membranes and can cause tremors, seizures, and cardiac arrest.

Humans are similarly affected if they consume the poison, and there are accounts of people dying after having cooked and eaten a Cane Toad.





Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp