Manila Bulletin


Discoveries of parthenogenetic species in the animal kingdom (including the potential for it among humans) raises many questions about how organisms use asexual reproduction, to say nothing of other phenomenon like other animal species that can change their sex organs to the opposite, or even animals that have both.

What we should also think about are the circumstances of when we discover them having parthenogenetic actions. When animals are captive and without proper mates, the parthenogenetic abilities activate. Is this the biological backup just in case sexual reproduction is not possible?

Is it also proof that even though parthenogenesis can weaken the overall development of the species, that it is sometimes required simply to create enough numbers to start off sexual reproduction again?

If so, then the rise of “discovering” parthenogenesis in animals may be a warning sign to us humans that it may be necessary to become even more attentive to how we are affecting the environment around us.

What may be amusing to observe and be a subject of scientific curiosity may already be a warning sign that all living things on earth – even humans – may be in danger if Mother Nature is already activating “backup” population-raising mechanisms in species all over the animal kingdom.





Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp