Manila Bulletin


When asked about health concerns, Canton Pomeranians has a lot to share. “In summary, from birth to about two months, they tend to have aspiration pneumonia. You need to suck out the fluid from the [respiratory tract]; otherwise, they will die.

“At about two months, they tend to get stressed and have a difficult adjustment period when they are weaned from the mothers. I give Albon when there will be some changes in the puppy environment, [such as when they are separated from] the mother. They also tend to go down like a discharged battery robot, which is usually [due to] hypoglycemia. The response to this is giving them sugar or honey diluted in water.

“They may have uncontrolled diarrhea, particularly when [there are] a large number of pups. The best way to determine if this is either coccidia or giardia is by looking at the stool under the microscope.” What is revealed upon microscopy will help determine the treatment: Albon for coccidia and Flagyl for giardia.

“They need to be running a lot so that the chest drops. I usually make them swim for about 30 minutes with manual assistance.”

When dogs scratch, it’s for a reason. “Find out why,” advises Canton Pomeranians. “Is it because their hair is wet, or because there’s tangled hair? Are there ticks or fleas? Is it dandruff, which could lead to mange? If it is in the ear area, could it be ear mites?” Again, the treatment will depend on the cause.

To prevent tooth decay due to calcification, scalers are used. Other conditions include coughing, teeth development, bladder stones, and undescended testes.

“[It is] best to consult a veterinarian,” they explain. They have a vet on call and who does regular visits.





Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp